11-30-2010, 05:52 PM
Sorry it has taken me so long to post something here
I promise, I will try and be more "speedy" about these things from here on out.
So, 4.0.3 dropped last Tuesday, and we have had a full week to digest Deathwing Crushing our world, stealing your achievements, and being a generally naughty Dragon.
General News
Nifty Things in Game
I would love to hear what people are finding in the game that they think is cool!
So far, I found a great druid in the Western Plaguelands named Zen'kiki who is really looking for a mentor to teach him how to be better. Without spoiling too much, he joins you for some quests, and much hilarity ensures. You can do these quests at the Menders Stead. I'm unsure if there is an alliance Worgen druid counterpart, or if the Alliance get to run around with our pal.
I know it was hyped in other spots, but the quests for "The Day that Deathwing Came" in the Badlands should be absolute MUSTS for anyone looking for some humor. Nothing beats hearing drunk tales of how people beat up on ol' Deathwing.
Also, if you haven't noticed, each Race for your faction now has a Quartermaster located in a major city. These quartermasters sell tabards that work just like the WotLK rep tabards. You can use them in any Old World / Northrend / Cataclysm Dungeon to gain rep with that Race! By doing light dungeon work on my New Troll Druid, I was able to make exalted with them by lvl40.
A Request
I'm doing this to keep people up to date, and have some fun. What would you (the people who read this) like to hear about and see?
Would you like me to give you a rundown on interesting blue posts?
Would you like to have a new Screenshot of the Week? (This was on the old boards, I would be willing to work out doing it again),
Would you like me to post funny things in game?
Reccomended Storylines?
Nifty Addons that I find?
You tell me, and we can see about fleshing out a good News and Announcements segment.
Sorry it has taken me so long to post something here

So, 4.0.3 dropped last Tuesday, and we have had a full week to digest Deathwing Crushing our world, stealing your achievements, and being a generally naughty Dragon.
General News
- Blizzard has launched their new website, and it is pretty nice. The added functionality of it is pretty nice, and you are able to view far more information than you could before. From a web design standpoint, they really cleaned things up with a good file structure.
- The old WoW forums are read only, and you now need to use the new forums, on the new site.
- Since the Shattering, there have been cogs and wheels to get turned just right to keep the machine moving, and there have been at least 3 rounds of Hotfixes. This is Blizzards new blog that will keep us updated on Hotfixes.
Nifty Things in Game
I would love to hear what people are finding in the game that they think is cool!
So far, I found a great druid in the Western Plaguelands named Zen'kiki who is really looking for a mentor to teach him how to be better. Without spoiling too much, he joins you for some quests, and much hilarity ensures. You can do these quests at the Menders Stead. I'm unsure if there is an alliance Worgen druid counterpart, or if the Alliance get to run around with our pal.
I know it was hyped in other spots, but the quests for "The Day that Deathwing Came" in the Badlands should be absolute MUSTS for anyone looking for some humor. Nothing beats hearing drunk tales of how people beat up on ol' Deathwing.
Also, if you haven't noticed, each Race for your faction now has a Quartermaster located in a major city. These quartermasters sell tabards that work just like the WotLK rep tabards. You can use them in any Old World / Northrend / Cataclysm Dungeon to gain rep with that Race! By doing light dungeon work on my New Troll Druid, I was able to make exalted with them by lvl40.
A Request
I'm doing this to keep people up to date, and have some fun. What would you (the people who read this) like to hear about and see?
Would you like me to give you a rundown on interesting blue posts?
Would you like to have a new Screenshot of the Week? (This was on the old boards, I would be willing to work out doing it again),
Would you like me to post funny things in game?
Reccomended Storylines?
Nifty Addons that I find?
You tell me, and we can see about fleshing out a good News and Announcements segment.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright