Question about FoH holy bolts...
Are they dependant upon the holy bolt skill level? If so, do synergies help? Are they dependent upon the FoH skill level? Fixed amount? Something else?
This thread doesn't seem to have generated many responses, but I'll bring my FoH questions here anyway.

Arreat Summit says that FoH ignores resistances of Demons and the Undead. Does that mean that resistances are knocked down to 0? Will they get negative resistance with Conviction? And does it also ignore immunities, so it will still do full damage to LI or MI monsters?

As for Obi's question: I don't have enough experience with FoH to know, but I was under the impression that the Holy Bolts generated by it don't heal. But I'm probably wrong. :)
Cougar,Aug 21 2003, 05:53 PM Wrote:This thread doesn't seem to have generated many responses, but I'll bring my FoH questions here anyway.
Good questions. Best I can do is point you at the AB discussion...

FoH/HolyBolt discussion

but afaik the FoH Holy Bolts don't seem to be colliding with Friendlies so the info on how much they "heal" might be, in that sense, wrong. OTOH perhaps they do heal, but then pierce, or perhaps what my screen seems to show is wrong, or...
"He's got demons? Cool!" -- Gonzo, Muppet Treasure Island

"Proto-matter... an unstable substance which every ethical scientist in the galaxy has denounced as dangerously unpredictable." -- Saavik, Star Trek III

"Mom! Dad! It's evil! Don't touch it!" -- Kevin, Time Bandits
I asked on the Amazon Basin yesterday (I think) and I got an answer... they gain 2 min and max healing per level, as opposed to holy bolt's 2/4. They both do 1-6 healinG on the first level. However, it no longer matters, as I was misinformed about how FoH's holy bolts work... I was told that they would hit chars without passing through monsters... but they don't. :( Holy bolt for me it is.

///edit: clarity
So... what is so bad about piercing?

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