? v1.10s exclude unique drops/gambles if
If I'm killing (gambling?) stuff that *can* drop a Stone of Jordan, I'm wondering, given rarity 1 vs. rarity 15 for the competing Manald Heal and Nagelring rings, whether code (still) exists in game to preclude the drop of uniques to make them "unique"?

I seem to recall in v1.10 beta 1 getting a Nagelring when I already had one, but I wasn't paying attention so it might have been on different test characters (and later gotten transferred or muled).

Is there any such mechanism any more and if so, how does it work? (while code reading could answer this, a mod to vastly up/assure unique drops or gambles could answer it).

(historical note for those of you who weren't around then... some of us discovered this principle for gambling unique rings with lowbie characters long ago and then it didn't get fixed before mass SoJ farming on realm--thus the slightly silly cube recipes that require/consume an SoJ)

(further historical note re: "some of us" yes, I know Bolty or others might cite "the discoverer" of particular factiods, but it is often the case that original or simultaneous discoveries aren't exastively detailed in the historical record. E.G. Bolty seems not to have known about -act 5, which, with -fr and -seed, were quite hot topics a long long time ago (admittedly -act 5 used to be buggy for non-expansion classes, so it is relevant that they've fixed that). E.G. #2, so it doesn't look like I'm picking on Bolty: I learned/was told only recently that Grim Ward doesn't work on skeletons (which strikes me as really odd, considering a Grim Ward looks like a Skeleton and you'd think it would be metaphorically less work to process a skeleton into such a scarecrow)).
"He's got demons? Cool!" -- Gonzo, Muppet Treasure Island

"Proto-matter... an unstable substance which every ethical scientist in the galaxy has denounced as dangerously unpredictable." -- Saavik, Star Trek III

"Mom! Dad! It's evil! Don't touch it!" -- Kevin, Time Bandits
In 1.09, it was such that, if a monster dropped a ring, and it passed the unique roll and it passed the roll of a specific unique item of that type (e.g. a SoJ) and that specific unique had already dropped, the unique would downgrade to a rare with extra durability (when applicable). That means that, if you found a SoJ in a game, your chance of finding another one would drop to zero, while your chance of finding a different unique ring would remain unchanged. Unique items that were already on characters who joined the game do not matter at all for this.

I don't think this is at all changed in 1.10. There is now a column for unique items to allow them to spawn even if one was already found, but this is blank for all of them, meaning that they'll have the "normal" behaviour. I didn't notice anything unusual with my small modding experiments with the first beta.

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