Discovering the joy of streaking:
Between testing with -act 5 characters, the v1.10s from beta1 rust storm, and corpse recoveries, I not infrequently play "nude" characters that need to accomplish getting workable equipment to return to "normal".

This challenge, reminiscent of D1 ironman play, is often more entertaining than what I normally do (even if it is just "shopping for a bargin" to get a helpful weapon or shield).

I know muling is a pain and your stash is too small and your inventory is too crowded to easily "take it all off" to streak for a while, but here's a suggestion...

Next time you level up, put your charms in your cube or stash and hold down the left mouse button, running through a group of monsters to give them auto-hit (you can still 1/3 block with a shield or weapon block (Assassin) so they might not hit you every time, especially if you run very fast--but work at it). When you die, this, your *first* corpse (please), will be holding your equipment for you (and in v1.10s at least, this first corpse is the one to make it to the next game, if you just exit).

Now you are free! Streak about, have some fun and challenges. Live off the land; shop for bargains.

Get creative--your "real" stuff is safe and since you just leveled up you have nothing to lose (xp in nm/hell--in normal just having leveled up isn't necessary).

Aside from having fun you may learn interesting things (like being a naked Barbarian and dashing into the Pindle area to Find Item on the corpses before they come to life, or hiding just inside town while your merc fights, or that Town Portal really is the most powerful spell in the game, or...).

I believe you'll come back to your "normal" self feeling refreshed--and thankful for all the goodies you've accumulated, even if they aren't uber. Who knows?--you might even find a nice goodie while you're goofing off.


Offer Void where prohibited by law. Must be 18 to win. Diablo is not responsible for injury or other consequential damages. Your mileage may vary. Consult a doctor before embarking on any new program of streaking exercise.
"He's got demons? Cool!" -- Gonzo, Muppet Treasure Island

"Proto-matter... an unstable substance which every ethical scientist in the galaxy has denounced as dangerously unpredictable." -- Saavik, Star Trek III

"Mom! Dad! It's evil! Don't touch it!" -- Kevin, Time Bandits
Funny idea Crystalion.

I'll give it a try. I've done plenty of naked characters for nightmare (uh, in Hell, doing naked chars is instant death and not even worth a second's attempt) and they are all ridiculously fun. My personal favorite is the FoH Prayer-synergized Meditator, with no shield, and a Bard (Barb using Warcry, Taunt, BO, etc. - called a Singing Barb too, I think?).

They're really good, but I have to put on some of the equipment they've found during those bad boss packs. The best I've found/assembled is Heart of the Oak and a Shako, though, lol. Not bad, but between two caster chars, ... :o :o :o :o :o :o :angry:

Buena Suerte.
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