looking for 'builds' for d2 1.12
I'll add that using the PlugY mod to try out skills in single player is a great way to work out your own "builds".
It will allow you to re-assign skill points to find what works in different situations.

Also, starting the game with the -act5 switch in the command line will allow you to create a new character that starts in Act 5 at level 33, will points ready to be allocated. It can be a fun way to play the game, with a naked level 33 character with no cube and no access to waypoints (wp will only take you to Act 1, and you would need to play through the game to get back to Act 5). Add to the fun by setting the number of players to 8 (/players 8).


Messages In This Thread
RE: looking for 'builds' for d2 1.12 - by optimus - 11-08-2010, 06:03 AM
looking for 'builds' for d2 1.12 - by BruceGod - 07-12-2009, 10:38 AM
looking for 'builds' for d2 1.12 - by channel1 - 09-28-2009, 11:10 PM

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