Hellfire critical error @ startup.
Salutations Lurkers,

I'm having a very unusual problem with Hellfire and was hoping someone here could assist me in solving this problem, because I am quite frankly stumped. Thanks in advance for your time.

Here's the error message exactly as displayed on the screen:

This application has encountered a critical error:

Not enough storage is availible to process this command.

Program:    C:\Program Files\Diablo\Hellfire\hellfire.exe
File:        D:\diablo97\UISRC\ui\local.cpp
Line:        104

Press OK to terminate the application.
If you know exactly what causes this please skip all the following details and HELP! :w00t: Much appreciated. Otherwise let me paint the scenario for you...

This error occurs every time the game is started - I don't see the Sierra logo video, don't hear any sound, all I get is this error (and note that the CD-ROM drive on this system is E:, not D:, so it's not a CD issue with Diablo. Diablo runs just fine).

I've perused the readme files that come with the game and the manual and nothing sheds any light on the matter. I've searched the web and this forum for any similiar issues and turned up nothing. The system exceeds all of the requirements outlined for the game (and again I note that Diablo runs as smooth as silk). The system is:

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) service pack 2.
Processor: AMD Athlon, 1.3GHz
RAM: 496MB
Video memory: 16MB
Hard Disk: 51.5GB capacity, 31GB free.

After encountering this problem, I've installed and played Hellfire just fine on two other systems... but they're running XP Pro and I cannot recreate this error message with either of them. Is it just XP Home Edition messing this up or what? If Hellfire has a problem with Home Edition, why doesn't Diablo? Is it the screwy 496MB memory? (I have no idea why the system says there's only 496. It has two RAM slots on the motherboard, both of which have a 256 stick in them.) Maybe a combination of both?

I have tried EVERY bloody thing I can possibly think of within my mediocre technical knowledge to get this game running or at least shed some light on what the problem is... all to no avail. Here's everything I've tried, none of which had any effect:

*Reinstalling the game. Reinstalling the game to a different directory. Uinstalling the game, installing the game on another system and transferring the working install from the other system to this machine.

*Running different game versions: unpatched (1.00) Hellfire, patched (1.01) Hellfire, fixed (1.2something - thanks Lem!) Hellfire (thus confirming this problem isn't relevant to any specific version of the program)

*Running with compatability settings: every combination I could think of: Tried OS = 95, 98/ME, NT, 2000. Tried 256 colors, run in 640x480 resolution, disable visual themes (on all of the different versions listed above... can you tell I'm patient?)

*System stuff: Changing application priority via Task Manager. Increasing the Virtual Memory swapfile size. Freeing up more hard disk space even though there's already an absurd amount availible.

*Other programs: Closed anything that wasn't running on other systems where Hellfire did work.

*Out of desperation: Edited registry settings and patched one of Hellfire's .dll files to run the entire game off the hard disk (reading diabdat.mpq from the Diablo CD from the hard disk instead)

I am about to start pulling my hair out here. The only problem this XP Home system ever has is running newer games that are 3d accelerated - but that's because of it's old videocard, and neither Diablo nor Hellfire even require such a card... it can run some heavier 3d games just fine (think System Shock 2). I realize I can simply play Hellfire on another system, but I'm not ready to admit defeat to a technical problem so readily.

As mentioned earlier, I read through pages of threads in this forum to see if anyone had a similiar problem before starting this thread, and I didn't see any problems like it. If any one of you gives me the solution to this problem or helps me figure it out, in exchange for helping me preserve faith in my self-imagined technical prowess I will volunteer two things to the entire Lurker community that I surprisingly didn't see any mention of while browsing:

A.) How to fix Diablo's random "storm_invalid_player" crash on certain PCs when sending a chat message.
B.) How to configure an XP system's network adapters for IPX play across the internet utilizing a wonderful third-party program that is NOT Kali and does NOT cost you a thing. Yes, that's right, free LAN games across the internet, including Hellfire and Diablo, over a secure connection with a hassle-free application.

So... anyone willing to take a shot at this? I don't care if you're after the incentives listed above, <strike>my goodwill, or both</strike> (nevermind, I'm about out of that right now after trying to solve this for over a week :blink:). I just want this darn thing to work. Again, thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
Hellfire critical error @ startup. - by Belix - 02-11-2007, 04:34 AM
Hellfire critical error @ startup. - by Alamara - 02-11-2007, 04:55 AM
Hellfire critical error @ startup. - by Zamal - 02-11-2007, 08:59 AM
Hellfire critical error @ startup. - by Belix - 02-11-2007, 10:38 AM
Hellfire critical error @ startup. - by Thenryb - 02-11-2007, 06:44 PM
Hellfire critical error @ startup. - by Alamara - 02-11-2007, 07:09 PM
Hellfire critical error @ startup. - by [vL]Kp - 02-15-2007, 01:14 AM
Hellfire critical error @ startup. - by splatz - 03-29-2007, 08:31 AM

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