Planning a new Anarchy Character, Build tips.
Ok, I'm at sort of a crossroads in what I should do with the build right now. It's going swimmingly, even if my Damage is starting to fall off.... "A little" on Single Target.

First, Here is my build. I'm currently level 44, I'm not having too much trouble staying alive, but I'm only in A2 Cruel as well.
This, Is where I would like to end up in the low/mid 60's. At this point, I'm just unsure on what I should do next.

I'd love to hear some input on what order people would tackle the remaining points in. I've been currently working under the idea that I will map out all the Int Nodes to get to things first (another 8 points), and then start picking up things in a "rapid fire" order from there. But I'm not sure if that's going to get too troubling down the road. I ask, because I know survivability is going to become an issue soon. I'm sitting at ~550 HP, and ~625 ES, and ~1500 Armor currently, resists are capped. No problems yet, but I know that from here, it's only going to get more difficult.

Part of me wants to bolt for Ghost Reaver, and then the 15% ES Node, and then CI, and the cluster behind it, and then the Frost Strip over in the Witch Area. But I'm worried that my survivability will go up tremendously at the cost of my DPS, which already isn't... "blowing things ups". It's more of a steady, methodical, Freeze them, and live, but take a little bit to clear, type approach.

This, Is my gear. Some of the gems in the gear are purely there for leveling purposes (cough cough blood magic), or because I used them for a while, and I'm too lazy to take them out (cough cough Arctic Armor).

Skills I use on a regular basis
Clairty, Vitality, Ice Nova, Freezing Pulse, Ice Spear, Frost Bite, Devouring Totem (which I really love right now), and from time to time Cold Snap, as the situation Dictates.

Eventually, I would like to get my
- FP Linked up with LMP and Life Leech as well. (Don't ask how many fuses I've used on the Icetomb. It's depressing.)

- Ice Nova Linked up with Life Gain on Hit (for now) Life Leech, once I make the swap over. I really only use this when there are large groups of melee around me, and I'm able to drop a frostbite on them, and then go crazy.

-Vitality, Clarity, and Discipline all hooked up to a Reduced Mana Gem.

Next Opinion Question: Does this seem like a style of game play that will be lasting? I've never run FP before, so I'm a little... Green still with how it should work.
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RE: Planning a new Anarchy Character, Build tips. - by shoju - 07-03-2013, 01:48 PM

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