Questions about multiplayer save file for Hellfire
Yeah i tried all trainers, Bobafett´s, Raymond´s, DiabloSaver the lastest versions, none worked
They all give me a Invalid version when i load the .CHA file

Bobafett´s Trainer is the only one that can actually load the character into the game in v1.02, but as soon as you click the ground to move your character, the game freezes, and the changes aren´t saved.
Tried to add permissions for my Windows user directly into the hrinfo_0.drv file inside C:\Windows, didn´t work either (that did the trick for hellfire 1.01)

But i think the changes on this patch are too great to not be used, so i decided to start a new character with a friend on multiplayer.
The LAN UDP apperantly resolved the issue with games eventually disappearing from the LAN IPX games list after some time has passed.

Plus the features like run/jog, all oils and shrines in mp and the friend appearing on the automap are priceless.
There are lots of new stuff to enjoy from Diablo Hellfire now. Really recommend this patch.

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RE: Questions about multiplayer save file for Hellfire - by gugutz - 05-04-2013, 05:35 PM

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