First Hardcore Inferno Belial Kill (by a Barbarian, too)
Keep in mind most of the people on the main forum aren't asking for it to be easier, they're asking for it to be effortless. I'm willing to bet most of the complainers are lazy 18-25 males wanting desperately to farm "ph4t l3wt" to sell on the RMAH when it's in full swing. They don't care about anything except those loot spawns and if there were a skill they just made everything they clicked on explode and made them invincible for 5 seconds every time they did, they would use it constantly and never complain or feel regret for using an obviously overpowered skill like that.

I mean we only need look at the history of this series - D1 and D2 had legitimate players basically be a secret cult. Given the slightest chance, both player bases relentless duped, used gear that was impossible to spawn legitimately, and devalued every legitimate achievement into the ground. I'll bet every D2 server has at least 50,000 Enigmas on each of them. I've never seen Jah or Ber in my friggin' life, much less both.

I mean I understand a DH is probably in a really bad place when Jailer/Vortex/Invuln Minions/Mortar shows up, (and IM probably needs to stop existing...boy, that acronym is just unlucky for Blizz, yeah?) and there are -some- things which need tweaking, but the Blizz forum is not a place to be taken seriously, for the most part. We know that, and luckily I think they do too.

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RE: First Hardcore Inferno Belial Kill (by a Barbarian, too) - by ViralSpiral - 06-09-2012, 11:32 PM

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