The new 4.3 heroics are incredibly fun.
The first time I did Azure Dragonshrine we never pulled any trash. The tank led the way and the group stacked on him. Echo of Jaina is probably the easiest boss encounter in the new heroics. Avoid the Frost Blades, detonate Flarecore. That's it.

I got a Girdle of Lost Heroes yesterday with an offspec roll Smile I ditched almost all of my prot set the other day because I transferred servers and needed bag space, and I am slowly gathering new (and better!) prot gear with greed rolls and need rolls when the tank passes.

I had a terrible hunter in a 3/5 guild run End Time today. He never CCed the tank's marks, and failed terribly on the hourglass. I was playing as a fury warrior and ended up Heroic Leaping my way over to the hourglass to reset it. He died before everyone else on every reset. I don't think he knew to not stand in stuff, even though we explained it to him. He also yelled at the healer for "letting him die". I'm pretty sure a hunter is the ideal guy to click the hourglass, but he didn't get it and no amount of coaxing by the rest of us did any good. We effectively 4-manned Murozond. It was the first time I've done Murozond in which we had to use all 5 hourglasses.

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RE: The new 4.3 heroics are incredibly fun. - by DeeBye - 12-13-2011, 04:59 AM

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