Question about Slowing effects stacking
I recall a thread where it was stated that the following effects combine:
1. Chill
2. "Slows target by X%"
3. Decrepify
4. Holy Freeze

I'd certainly been assuming this during the last ladder season with my 'uber slow zon' who used 70% slow, cold dmg, and a HF merc with reaper's toll. It's likely I'm over a capped value here but it's fun to don blackhorn's face and play almost like medusa.

I believe clay golem counts as an effect of type 2 here. I was not aware of the poison creeper mat slow (but we're finding out alot about that underused skill at the moment). If I were to speculate, I'd say it's likely to be a slow attack of either type 2 or 4, depending on how it is applied.

This is purely from memory without the thread in question or any testing to backup I'm afraid. In fact, I've not seen any testing to prove this, merely taken it at face value from some of the more versed in game mechanics (when you go on long breaks from d2 you tend to miss some of the details being thrashed out in testing). It makes some 'sense' to me though, just thinking on how the effects are applied.

Sorry I can't be of more help!

/edit - sloppy punctuation, mixed tenses.

Messages In This Thread
Question about Slowing effects stacking - by 30ftSmurf - 07-22-2004, 07:42 AM

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