Holy Freeze and Attack speed
lets say I am dueling a smiter with a grief phase blade ( 40% IAS ) and a level 25 Fanaticism ( +37% IAS ). Lets also say the smiter has +40% IAS from his gear.

His smite should be at 6 frames.
His normal attack should be at 8 frames.

Now lets say I turn on my level 12 holy freeze ( enemies slowed by 50% ).

How many frames will the enemy smiter swing at with a normal attack and with smite.

Anyone know the formula to figure this out?

Messages In This Thread
Holy Freeze and Attack speed - by evileye - 10-05-2009, 01:43 AM
Holy Freeze and Attack speed - by Taem - 10-05-2009, 03:25 AM
Holy Freeze and Attack speed - by evileye - 10-05-2009, 04:58 AM

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