There is something that has always bothered me about the 9/11 attacks
I have no idea why I'm posting this now instead of years ago. It has *always* bothered me that people - in general, and even here - don't believe there were explosions that caused the twin towers to fall when I saw it on the news live as it happened. I'm not talking conspiracy theory here to cover up the truth because I honestly don't care why the investigation teams failed to cite this when there is plenty of evidence supporting bombs blew up the structures causing the towers to implode downward in a controlled implosion. What I'm talking about is if anyone actually watched the news that day and heard what the reporters were saying, then how could they not realize that bombs are what caused the towers to fall? It's ludicrous what people will believe if it has an official logo on it - do you take your magic bullets with magic mushrooms too?

I searched on google for, "i heard explosions 9/11" today and saw several sites. This one in particular has video clips I remember watching: Link. All that was ever said from the investigation commission is that, "steel infrastructures was blown off by the initial impact of the planes and that, if this had not occurred, the towers would likely have remained standing." Alright, I'm fine with that. But why was there a third explosion which caused the first tower to fall? I know there is also quite a bit of conspiracy crap I read trying to find the original clips I saw that have physics majors conducting experiments on to-scale models of the towers showing they would not have fallen like they did - straight down on themselves; they weren't built to implode like that. But enough about the conspiracy stuff, I want to talk about what I know - what I saw with my own two eyes and heard with my own ears! I saw the explosions, I saw the news coverage of the smoke from the other explosions at the base of the towers. I know it happened. Why can't anybody see that? That's what really bothers me I guess. I mean, didn't anybody else watch the freekin news that day?

I know there was an explosion at the base of the towers which caused the towers to fall. I believe the 9/11 commission knows this too, but is not admitting it because it would show the failed security American had for some very important buildings pre-9/11. I still agree terrorists caused the entire thing - there is nothing I disagree with except for what caused the towers to fall in the first place, and only because, like I keep saying, I saw it play out and read the official report and they simply don't match.

I hope if there are any 9/11 survivors out there reading this that you don't take offense, because I absolutely do not intend to offend. This has been on my mind for a long time and I had to get it off of my chest because it has been bothering me for so long. Worst case is someone here points me to a link citing relevant information about the explosions that proves I'm wrong, so I can rest at ease.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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There is something that has always bothered me about the 9/11 attacks - by Taem - 10-27-2009, 07:24 PM

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