Wow! Trump's Comments Actually Shock Me!
(01-20-2018, 07:20 AM)eppie Wrote: His racial politics are by the way of least concern. What he does against science, the environment and his support of weapons and oil industry are by far worse than the fact that some people from some countries are not allowed to travel into the US anymore.

You really think its just about some people from some countries not being able to travel here anymore? If so, you are very wrong. That is but merely one way his racist ideology has manifested into policy. You completely forgot about all the non-white people who already live here in the US (legally or not). Tell them that his actions against science, the environment and support of weapons and the oil industry are worse than his racist politics, and see what they say. I predict the words "fuck" and "off" to be in there, somewhere - especially since it would be coming from a western, white male. Now, living as a racial minority in America is akin to living under fascism everyday regardless of which party holds office, but I certainly would not want to be a Muslim or Mexican immigrant (legal or not) under the current Administration. It isn't just about his policies either, its also the fact his rhetoric and election have ignited all the racists in this country to come out of the woodwork. In numerous locations, this makes everyday life for non-whites to be extremely difficult at best, entirely miserable at worst.

I'm not going to get into a debate on who is worse between white nationalists and the moralistic christian right, cause frankly, both of them suck, and to be quite honest, many of aspects of their ideology already overlap anyways as you stated. It's like debating which smells worse: dog shit or cat shit.

As for blue collar workers not being represented by the Democrats, at what point in time was this ever the case (rhetorical question)? Democrats certainly have paid plenty of lip service to working class people but in the end they will always serve the ruling class, just like the Republicans do - because that is what they were elected by said ruling class to do. The Democrats are NOT (AND NEVER WERE) a workers party; they are a bourgeois capitalist party that is centrist at best even by bourgeois political standards (with Republicans being a far right party). The sooner working people realize that neither party has their interests in mind, and that neither party is the one in charge (the ruling class that they represent are the people in charge), the better off they will be.

All that being said, the fact Democrats do not represent the economic interests of working class people in no way justifies the racism, hate, and xenophobia that many white working class people have towards minorities and immigrants. Racist workers are no better than liberal capitalists.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Wow! Trump's Comments Actually Shock Me! - by FireIceTalon - 01-20-2018, 05:32 PM

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