Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.
I hit a quest reward where none of the rewards were skills I knew I wanted. So I decided to trust in Shoju and took the totem skill. I have to admit, I'm rather liking it so far. Don't seem to feel the damage loss like I thought I would. It has me considering an indirect build. I was already favoring Fire Trap as my person damage skill. So Fire Trap + Minions + Flammability. Thinking Skeletons and Flammability on totems and heading down to Ancestral Bond to be able to cast two at once. So when I see mobs I drop Skeletotem then Flammatotem then start throwing Fire Traps till everything dies. Should give me plenty of mobility between Traps too. Might keep the free wand attack on the bar just for filler might not too. Haven't decided on that one.

Speaking of the skill bar, I just now figured out that you can remove Auras from it after they are active and they will stay active. That has freed me up a ton. Lets me put the move command back on my bar (and assign it to the space key) which is something that had been bugging me.

SO I figure Fire Trap, Flammatotem, Skeletotem, Zombies, Specters, Move, Wand leaves one spot for Auras or I could even have no Auras showing and put another skill there if I decide there is one that is useful.

Haven't figured out if going for Ancestral Bond will work well or not yet. Have to look at the tree and see about that. It'll be a ways off for sure.

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RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by swirly - 04-14-2013, 08:44 PM

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