Gearing and drop rates, AH use almost required to progress.
Regarding gearing up through hell, do keep in mind your blacksmith. I run into a lot of people who have gotten the impression that the blacksmith doesn't matter until you're in Inferno. However, if you're doing a OPFC, being able to turn a lot of those random blues and blacksmith pages and tomes into rare gear along the way is very helpful.

Quote:The loot endgame is not all that different from D2 classic. Inferno is, but as I stated before, the way in which it was presented demonstrated a disconnect between the devs and the players. This was clearly the largest mistake made. Devs clearly intended Hell farming to be a considerable amount of time and many, many players pressed into inferno an hour to a day after completing A4 Hell. Something was seriously overlooked in the testing of how to introduce players to inferno. Some kind of keying like the ubers in D2 would perhaps have helped with that.

Agreed, Concillian. I think the idea was that people were supposed to farm hell for at least a week before even trying to venture into Inferno. I think that they could have forced people to farm more along the way if they had removed the ability to resurrect during the set piece boss encounters. That is, they could have made it so that the moment someone died in softcore, the encounter ended and everyone went back to the previous checkpoint to start again. The ability to resurrect made it so that people kept going past points where there should have been a gear check telling them, "Woah! Slow down and farm a bit before you move on!" That and also, there should have been more of a gradation in mob levels in Inferno. That is, instead of level 61 in Act 1, 62 in Act 2, and 63 in Acts 3/4, there could have been levels 61 and 62 in Act 1, 63 and 64 in Act 2, and 65 in Acts 3/4. That way, there could have been a more gradual increase in difficulty and rewards rather than the sharp spikes in difficulties that started in each act.

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RE: Gearing and drop rates, AH use almost required to progress. - by MongoJerry - 07-07-2012, 08:38 AM

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