Back to Rogue :) Anybody have an opinion about Snobs and Lightning Walls?
(08-16-2011, 01:21 PM)LennyLen Wrote:
Quote: #$&!!#… I'll have to go back to wire-bound ...thanks for the clarification.

It can still happen with wired keyboards as well.

(08-15-2011, 03:51 PM)Galbraith Wrote: You can check, if you got that by simple example like: run notepad then press and hold some key i.e. "a" and wait for 20 seconds or more. When "a" character is stopped typing, then you are no lucky with your keyboard manufacturer.

In general, I guess... or maybe not happen with some other wireless one...
But out of my options, unfortunately only my wire-bound keyboard passed the “aaa” test...


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RE: Back to Rogue :) Anybody have an opinion about Snobs and Lightning Walls? - by lyyn - 08-16-2011, 02:42 PM

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