Why are druid vines so durable?
OK, I am very well familiar with minions scaling in higher difficulty levels and with more players. An 8 player oak sage out tanks just about everyone in 1.09.

I am playing a fairly straightline elemental druid in the 1.10 beta. No points in summons other than one in oak sage, with a +2 carrion vine helm. They are boosted to lvl2 and 3 respectively with a tamer's amulet. (Incidentally, from having played my realms elemental druid in 4-8 player games, mostly solo, players 1 with the 1.10 changes is giggle-inducing, and I'm only lvl24. Monster regen is ridiculous though.)

The vine has about 140 hp, the oak sage about 70. It stands to reason that the oak sage would be less durable. However, it dies... about every fight, and the vine doesn't. Right now, it was a complete waste of a point.

Currently I'm battling a LEB vampire boss pack on durance two, meteors and fire walls are crisscrossing with charged bolts and flying around so badly that I'm taking big damage with -4 MDR and over 50 fr/lr (pretty good for normal difficulty, I think...) and chain casting cyclone armor whenever possible.

My vine is casually moseying around, sniffing at dead things, and waiting for me to make the bad men fall down. Full health.

The only thing I can say for my oak sage is that it appears to be poison immune, never turning green or being knocked back when watchers in act 3 puke all over it. It seems to have very high cold resistance as well, very rarely being chilled.

But in a test, it just dropped from full to zero instantly in a fire wall.

In melee battles, the vine tanks pretty well. It gets obliterated by bosses, of course, but it tanks better than i do against normal things. The sage is dead so much i don't bother recasting it in close quarter areas.

Can someone pull up their resistance tables for the different difficulties? It's been too long and I've forgotten how it works :/
Dark_Mutterings (Necromancer)
Doug_Winger (Wearbear)
Heroic career and 1.10 aspirations cut tragically short because NOBODY CAN DO ANYTHING WITH A 22.2K CONNECTION WHY DOES GOD HATE ME.

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Why are druid vines so durable? - by Pren - 07-06-2003, 12:19 PM

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