Mod creation for Infravision on staves.
Quote:Of course she's blind. I was wondering. Is it simple to create a mod that leaves the game in its original state but allows Infravision to be on staves.

...that would avoid widespread mophing. But I'm not going to dole out a workaround for a playstyle that doesn't need it. I don't see how "modding" such a workaround even comes close to legit.

Quote:I've done some preliminary testing and this equipment set with Infravision is great for dungeon crawling (minus the Lazarus part). But the "hassling Adria for Infravision scrolls" is a major drawback to the fun.

Did you ever consider the notion that Infravision isn't *necessary* for a well-played Stealth character? Infra's a crutch. There are alternatives.

Guardian The Early Warning System
Wakes up critters vulnerable to it and indicates the location of fire immunes.

Town Portal View Dungeon Layout
TPs create a good deal of light, most certainly enough to navigate the dungeon. You'll be able to see walls, some dungeon objects, and get a general feeling of how a room's laid out. Sure, it's dangerous to use TP this way (no backup TP), but it's better than stumbling around in the dark.

Charged Bolt The "Guardian" for Lit-vulnerables
May awaken multiple monsters at once.

Bone Spirit For Magic-vulnerables
Wake sleeping Balrogs one at a time.

Part of the fun of playing Dark is being in the dark. You can't have you cake and eat it too, so you learn to make do.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]

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Mod creation for Infravision on staves. - by LemmingofGlory - 08-10-2003, 11:44 PM

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