1.10 Monster mlvl and TC upgrades
I finished testing some changes in the way the game is handling the monster upgrade of the TC that they use for item drops. The findings are here.

Also from another thread at Phrozen Keep,
more information on a couple things relating to the monsters.
noRatio: Do not use the ratio factors from monlvl.txt for the AC, TH, HP, DM and XP factors. Just use the straight values from this table instead.

Extra material: The noRatio flag is also used as a flag for these two aspects of the game.
1. If noRatio=0 and the difficulty is nightmare or hell, then the mlvl of the base monster when spawned is set to the higher of the monstats.txt level for the monster or the level of the area from levels.txt. If the difficulty is normal or noRatio=1, then the unmodified level from monstats.txt is used.

2. If noRatio=0 and the difficulty is nightmare or hell, then the assigned TC from monstats.txt will be modified if the TC in TreasureClassEx.txt is part of a group and the level of the assigned TC is less than the mlvl of the monster. The new TC that is assigned will be from the same group and and the highest level that is less than or equal to the new mlvl of the monster.

Example: someone puts quillrat1 (Level(H)=67, TreasureClass1(H)=Quill 1 (H) )from monstats.txt to appear in the hell difficulty Arreat Summit (id=120, MonLvl3Ex=87). The actual level of a non-champion, non-minion, non-boss Quill Rat there would end up being mlvl=87 and would drop the Quill 5 (H) TC when killed.

This kind of change in the way that the monsters are being handled is part of the reason that Arreat Summit took down their listing of individual monster stats. There would be too many listing required to reflect that some monster could be varing in suttle ways from area to are that they end up appearing in. This change also will cause an accuracy problem with the information at this site.

Something to think about when going into some of the areas or when you see a drop that looks out of place.

edit:fixed link

Messages In This Thread
1.10 Monster mlvl and TC upgrades - by Ruvanal - 09-10-2003, 11:09 PM
1.10 Monster mlvl and TC upgrades - by Crystalion - 09-11-2003, 12:04 AM
1.10 Monster mlvl and TC upgrades - by Crystalion - 09-11-2003, 12:16 AM
1.10 Monster mlvl and TC upgrades - by Ruvanal - 09-11-2003, 02:46 AM
1.10 Monster mlvl and TC upgrades - by Crystalion - 09-11-2003, 04:47 AM

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