Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3?

First I have to say that it's a p.i.t.a. that the search engine doesn't understand short words, or numbers for that matter. So no searching for 'Diablo 3' or 'Diablo III'. My search for 'diablo' yielded too many hits, and 'diablo wishlist' not the right ones. With '+diablo +suggestions' iirc I dug out this one. If it doesn't fit - please don't be mad at me.

I've written and saved at my laptop my personal suggestion list for an upcoming D3 and I thought I'd share. You might have some valuable and entertaining things to say, after all! :)

So here we go:


Diablo ™ III – suggestions

Given the fact that Diablo, Diablo II and Lord of Destruction were all very successful titles, it seems logical that Diablo III (or 3) will come up to perpetuate the universe. The trademark ‘Diablo’ in respect to video games surely is worth a lot. Players world-wide are looking forward to the third issue of this game. Because of the vast success of World of Warcraft as a MMORPG – a massively multiplayer online role-play-game – it is not known for certain if the sequel (or prequel?) of the Diablo series will remain an isometric hack & slash rpg. I do, however, act on the assumption that Diablo III will be very similar to its predecessors, what concerns gameplay, at least. So here are my suggestions:

On the Character Classes
8 character classes:
The Warrior,
The Shaman,
The Amazon,
The Thief,
The Witch,
The Sorcerer,
The Ninja
and The Barbarian.
Two genders possible for all classes, if the effort seems worth it.

On the Acts
5 acts with 5 end bosses: Defiler (or better: his successor), Leoric, Na Krul, Aazmodan and Belial.
I could well visualize one of the acts being a morbid and misty area full of swamps and moors, another a classical northern coniferous forest, and a third maybe a river-delta like flooded plains with all sorts of ditches and creeks running through it.

On the Skill/Spell system
Skills can be assigned until they reach skill level 20, but can be increased up to max. level 30 via items. One skill point is granted per level-up.
3 skill trees per character (like in D II) with 6 skills each (one of each skill rank); plus a “secret” (i.e.secluded, dingy) place in the town of the last act where skill points can be bought.

Skill ranks (rounded):
clvl 1, (e^ (0=m0) )
clvl 6, (e^ (1.75=m1=m0+1.75) )
clvl 11, (e^ (2,40=m2=m1+0.65) )
clvl 21, (e^ (3,05=m3=m2+0.65) )
clvl 40, (e^ (3,70=m4=m3+0.65) )
clvl 77 (e^ (4,35=m5=m4+0.65) ).

Price formula: (slvl^2)*10000 [gold] + 1 [rune, rlvl]
slvl: clvl required for the spell the first time you put a point in it, see above. rlvl: qlvl of the rune; rlvl must be >=slvl, which makes higher level skill points hard to buy, yet lower level skill points affordable (you don’t have to worry about wasting your level-up skill points on low level skills, because you can pump them via gold and low level runes).
slvl 1: 10000 gold + 1 rune with rlvl >=1
slvl 6: 360000 gold + 1 rune with rlvl >=6
slvl 11: 1210000 gold + 1 rune with rlvl >=11
slvl 21: 4410000 gold + 1 rune with rlvl >=21
slvl 40: 16000000 gold + 1 rune with rlvl >=40
slvl 77: 59290000 gold + 1 rune with rlvl >=77

A character can only buy a skill point if his clvl is high enough to raise the skill manually, for example a level 48 character cannot buy a level 40 skill point if he already has 9 skill points assigned to that skill, he has to wait one more level.
Status points can (every once in a while) be bought from the healer in each town. They cost 500000 gold each, and the attributes strength, vitality, dexterity and magic cannot be raised beyond their ‘golden’ status, their maximum. These maximums are dependant on the character class, like in Diablo I, maybe 255 as the maximum value.

On gold
Up to clvl^2*11000 gold in the inventory (slightly more than what is needed for the appropriate skill ranks for buying skill points). Monsters drop slightly more gold. (Skill points are expensive!). No gold find pre- / suffixes.
Items can be sold to merchants for up to 25000 in normal, 50000 in nightmare and 75000 in hell.

On Items and Unique Items
Less is more. There are only 160 unique items: 100 weapons, 45 armors and 15 amulets/rings.
Rare items can only have 2 prefixes and 2 suffixes.
There are 32 sets. 8 character high level specific sets, 8 low level unspecific sets, 8 mid level unspecific sets and 8 high level unspecific sets.
There are 432 weapons, 144 each in the grades normal, exceptional and elite. There are 12 weapon classes, of which swords, axes , maces and spears can be both one-handed and two-handed, pole-arms, staffs, bows and crossbows can be only two-handed and daggers, wands, orbs and wrist-blades only one-handed.
There are 240 other equipable items, 80 in normal, exceptional and elite: 10 armors, helmets, boots, gloves, shields, belts, rings and amulets. Amulets and Rings are divided into 10 types each, every type has its own requirements of the attribute magic ( 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 ). Maybe items should ‘wear out’, that is they lose durability not only during fighting, but also when repaired (similar to the repair skill of the warrior in D I).

On damage types
There are 6 different types of damage: physical, fire, cold, lightning, poison and dark magic.
No monster type is immune to more than 2 damage types, except bosses and act bosses.

On scrolls
Apocalypse and Stone Curse are ‘reborn’ in form of scrolls like Town Portal or Identify, and are thereby available to all character classes. Stone Curse counts as magic damage and requires level 40 and 80 magic to cast, Apocalypse counts as half physical, half fire (damage: (80-120) * slvl (= 1600-2400 at slvl 20) and requires level 60 and 120 magic to cast (pure melee fighters will have a hard time reaching this, and that’s just as well).

On monsters
Succubi return as fleeing casters like they were in Diablo I. There are 60 different monster types in each act, each spawn-able in 5 different styles. That adds up to a total of 1500 different monster subtypes in the game. The call for new monster AI and complex behaviour algorithms has been repeated often enough. I’d like to see them, too, of course.

On the inventory
The inventory is slightly bigger, about 6x10 squares, while the size of the items stays the same.

On the mercenary
The mercenary can carry and drink up to 4 potions (when health < 40%), and has several algorithms that can be adjusted: offensive, defensive, spellcasting, fleeing when health is critical (< 40% and no potion left). Only one mercenary at the same time. Reviving mercenaries costs more, as they are sturdier. Revive cost is mlvl^2*50 gold, where mlvl is clvl of the mercenary.

On potions
Potions fill up life/mana fairly quickly. Faster than in Diablo II, but not instantly like in Diablo I. Mana potions are buyable.

On pre-/suffixes
Return of the moon/stars/heavens/zodiac type of suffix. There are 60 prefixes and 60 suffixes, there is no graphics-intensive ‘5% chance to cast level 2 xyz when struck’.

On the graphics
Minimal graphic resolution of 1024x768 (for laptops :) ), expandable to 1280x1024 and up to 1600x1200, but still isometric 3D (people can switch to 3rd person 3D if they want to). Real 3D terrain is required for 3rd person 3D, of course, and might also be attractive when players don’t know what’s lurking behind an upcoming knoll. (perspective in iso? )


I'm aware that this is written from a DI / DII perspective. I don't see that as a disadvantage, though. DIII has got to do something with its predecessors.
Last but not least, the game needs an excitement factor. Not enough that the name alone would lure us in masses, a really cool new feature could potentize this effect. Remember when we all were looking forward to D II portraying the things you wear? I mean that different inventory items actually do cause a different picture of the hero. Smooooth.
Now it’s up to you to think about a new excitement factor. Something you’ve always wanted – name it.

Greetings, Fragbait
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.

Messages In This Thread
Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3? - by JustAGuy - 02-13-2005, 03:50 AM
Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3? - by Wyrm - 02-13-2005, 04:10 AM
Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3? - by DeeBye - 02-13-2005, 04:43 AM
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Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3? - by Hadriel - 02-07-2006, 11:26 PM

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