01-14-2006, 09:15 AM
DeeBye,Jan 13 2006, 11:10 PM Wrote:My system is pretty antiquated right now, but I'd like to squeeze a few more miles out of it.I just replaced my failing ATI 9800 Pro with the ATI Radeon X700. I would avoid Saphire though for ATI rebranding. I've personally know of 3 Saphire ATI 9800 pro's failing for different people (one was mine) well before the cards time. MSI is better.
Here's what I have. Please don't laugh or say "Buy a whole new system u n00b".
AMD Athlon XP 1700+ (1.47 GHz)
ECS K7VMM+ motherboard
512 MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM (2x256)
Powercolor Radeon 9200SE 128MB video card
I'd like to get a bit more performance while playing Guild Wars. The crappy 9200SE is obviously the weak point here. I'd like to switch this with something better, but I don't want to go overboard. I only want to be able to run games at my desktop resolution (1024x768) with medium-high detail and decent FPS.
I plan on buying from a local shop here in town. It's owned by a sweet little old asian man and the prices are as good as any online hardware retailer in Canada.
I've narrowed my choices down to a few. These are what the local shop carries. Input is appreciated. Keep in mind that my motherboard does not have a PCI-e slot. It's a 4X AGP one.
Powercolor Radeon 9600 128MB AGP - $69.00
This is a generation or two ahead of what I currently use, and isn't a dreaded "SE" model.
ASUS N6200/TD 128MB - $72.99
I've never owned an nVidia card before, but I understand that the 6200 series is their latest budget line. I like the price, and I bet it runs rings around my 9200SE.
ASUS N6200/TD 256MB - $97.99
Same as above, but I bet that the extra 128MB is a huge waste especially in a system such as mine. I thought I'd throw that out there just for the sake of completeness though.
Sapphire Radeon 9600 Pro Advantage 256MB AGP - $95.99
The 9600 Pro is a better performer than a plain 9600, and is probably worth the extra $27. The 256MB is probably more than I need, but the local store doesn't sell a 128MB model.
Sapphire Radeon 9600XT 256MB DDR AGP - $122.99
If a 9600-series ATI card is the sweet spot, the 9600XT is the best I can do. Right now I'm sorta leaning towards this one. I just think that my computer's other parts will be a major bottleneck for anything better.
Powercolor ATI Radeon X700 256MB DDR2 128 Bit AGP - $158.99
This is climbing out of my budget, but it's a newer generation card that performs very well at that price range.
BFG GeForce 6600GT OC 128MB GDDR3 AGP - $213.99
I'd really really like to justify buying this, but I just don't see it happening. It's really out of my price range, and my other parts would bottleneck it.