PvP at 20-29 -- an organized group? (Terenas)
Concillian,Jan 12 2006, 05:49 PM Wrote:I would think the mobility of Camo more important. If you'll be on the upper end of the level range, detection shouldn't be a huge issue.  My rogue has both, but is 60.

For some reason I was thinking that CS didn't come until 32.  Not sure why.

Maybe one of the brothers goes the route of Improved Sap + DOTs and the other on riposte, sprint and malice.  That's the thing though, Imp. Sap means no Murder.

The rogue talent trees are good, there are lots of tough decisions.  But like Treesh likes to say, you can't really make a bad rogue.

Kidney shot doesn't come till 30 maybe that is what you were thinking of? Kidney shot rocks.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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PvP at 20-29 -- an organized group? (Terenas) - by Kevin - 01-13-2006, 05:13 AM

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