PvP at 20-29 -- an organized group? (Terenas)
vor_lord,Jan 11 2006, 03:11 PM Wrote:It is, thank you.  I definitely will be also wanting help with a low level talent spec for this purpose.

At 29 you can't get any of the 21 point talents that are really cool. You need Improved SS, so you really have 18 points to play with. So you have a few options. This is what I came up with from the top of my head:

1) Improved Sap + Improved Ambush. Seems kinda 'meh' from a high level perspective, but at that level you don't have Cheap Shot yet, so ambush or garrotte are the openers of choice, and this increases the damage of those pretty significantly. Don't discount the occasional usefulness of Garrotte. It can't be dispelled (except by a bubble) and damage is not reduced by armor. It also does pretty decent damage at that level when fully talented. Nice for pallies and warriors, or those druids that are just going to run away anyway. It and Rupture are of limited use in PvP because they are DOTs, but if you notice you are up against people who aren't cross healing, they do more damage to heavily armored targets than your direct damage options.

2) Improved Sprint + Riposte + 5 points in Malice + 1/2 in Murder (or 2/3 in imp. sprint and 2/2 in Murder) I think that has a lot of useful WSG skills, more concentration on sustained damage with +crit instead of improving specific skills. Riposte is really nice in 1 on 1 situations... when you parry.

3) Like #2 but instead of 5/5 malice, get 2/2 Improved kick + 2/5 Malice. Better for mages and other casters, lower damage output.

I don't really see 18 points in assassination being all that great. The beauty of 2 & 3 is that they don't need ALL the points to have most of their utility. If Malice is the last thing you add points to, you can have most of the 'utility' skills from level 25.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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PvP at 20-29 -- an organized group? (Terenas) - by Concillian - 01-12-2006, 08:42 PM

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