01-07-2006, 05:59 AM
Raelynn,Jan 6 2006, 07:47 AM Wrote:Just so everyone knows, currently rep is broken. There is a HUGE radius where everyone in a raid gets rep. The size is approximately from the northern Felwood village to the western village in Winterspring. I was in a raid yesterday that got up to 30 people. I went from unfriendly to half way through friendly in about 4 hours or so. :lol:
It's worse than you think. You can be in Thunder Bluff and receive reputation credit for raid kills in both Winterspring and Silithus. I know this, because a guildie did it. I don't know if it works on the whole continent or if it's something special about Thunder Bluff or cities.
Quote:A couple of amusing BG bugs have popped up.
I understand that there's a problem with Mind Control in Arathi Basin. It's something about if you MC someone off a cliff and they would die, they just reappear where they were originally MC'd and don't die. I didn't get a chance to test this out, though, since I've been busy farming Silithus with the guild.