12-14-2005, 06:26 PM
I saw Cay's blue post before the forum ate it through time, and the "creative use of game mechanics" is correct in Blizzard's thoughts. One could speculate they put those Spellbinders in as a hidden bonus, since there's no way a trash mob in BRS needs a 2-hour buff.
Just curious on your raid composition. How many Druids are you bringing? We've had the most success on sons when we've got Druids to spare, since all of them are going Dire Bear to offtank. It grants immunity to the mana burn, gives a free heal in the way of Frenzied Regeneration, and suitably plants all Sons in place so they can't roam over to the cloth.
Once you can get a clean Sons spawn under your belt, you've got Ragnaros in the bag.
Just curious on your raid composition. How many Druids are you bringing? We've had the most success on sons when we've got Druids to spare, since all of them are going Dire Bear to offtank. It grants immunity to the mana burn, gives a free heal in the way of Frenzied Regeneration, and suitably plants all Sons in place so they can't roam over to the cloth.
Once you can get a clean Sons spawn under your belt, you've got Ragnaros in the bag.
See you in Town,