Avarice Alliance - "Off Days" for raiding
On the topic of what to do on off days.

1) I'd love to give the world bosses a try. But we would have to have a good backup plan for the raid when they aren't there.

2) BWL day 2 when we get there, and the new 1.9 instance. But neither of those work right now, but we should be ready to change so we can do those.

3) Farm MC for cores/DIO/BOE. If we want to get Rag, and far into BWL we need good FR gear. Sure there are other ways to get FR gear. But everyone can't be running around in all green FR.
[Image: 21740hrsxL.png]

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Avarice Alliance - "Off Days" for raiding - by Legedi - 11-17-2005, 03:31 PM

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