Avarice Alliance - "Off Days" for raiding
Tuftears,Nov 15 2005, 03:12 PM Wrote:Cirya (House Harpell) recently asked me about doing more ZG runs so I'd say the interest is there...  For timing/lockout reasons, I would suggest that we focus on getting Mirajj/Cirya's Wednesday early evening runs staffed, and maybe continued on Friday early evening, instead of having to deal with occasional ZG runs that could block people from participation on the regular runs.

I really think that it's not a bad thing to give people the night off and ask them to help others through instance raids.

I think clearing trash mobs is a good idea for MC (More Bracers & Belts), and ZG (more Coins, Bloodvine, Soulderite, Bijous). The problem with a night off to help people with other raid instances is that when it happens there will be one other raid, and it will probably be the standard three (UBRS/Scholo/Strat), while Avarice hardly ever runs LBRS, Maraudon, Sunken Temple, etc...)

[ZG loot RANT]
If there is no instance lock (ie. Thursday run) then one option would be to go into ZG and clear everything but the bosses. I don't know how other people are doing, but I'm almost (2200 pts away from) Honored and I have yet to come close (1/10 coins, 0/2 Green Bijous) to collecting the crap I need for even my friendly quest. At the rate this is going it will be six months before I get the pieces I need for friendly and Honored (Revered stuff, whew who knows), or I can try to snipe stuff off the AH. This is one reason I HATE random as it is bound to screw some people, and favor others. I know I have been lucky on some things (like the Gun, and the Primal Aegis), but in truth I would rather have about 15 more coins, and a few more Bijous than I have now. Sorry, to vent this here, but I really think there must be a better way to try to match the loot drops(coins/bijous esp.) to people's Friendly faction quests (then Honored, etc). I guess I am most distressed with my 0/5 Sandfury coins, and 1/5 Skullsplitter coins and I have 1/6 of the needed Bijous -- it is just dismal and discouraging.
[/ZG Loot RANT]

I know some people have pursued the Silithus quests a bit, and I am into it a little. Seems like it is an escalating quest line, building to a 40 person instance. Not as simple as a trip through BRD/UBRS to get attuned to the MC or BWL.

I agree with Lissa on the world bosses. It would be fun to do, but since we raid at a set day/time, getting the stars aligned properly will be difficult.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Avarice Alliance - "Off Days" for raiding - by kandrathe - 11-15-2005, 09:45 PM

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