LochnarITB,Nov 2 2005, 06:41 AM Wrote:I am in need of a new computer, and it needs to be a notebook. I want it to run WoW currently, and anything coming in the next couple years. The preferred specs would be:
- notebook
- <$3000 (2000-2500 would be better but I doubt it's possible)
- Pentium 4 3+ Ghz
- nVidia GeForce Go 7800 GTX (step down to 6800 might fly)
- 2 gig
- 60+ gig SATA drive
- CD writer/DVD player
- WSXGA (prefer WUXGA)
- windows XP home
I was strongly looking at Sager, but I found WidowPC also. They seem to price out very close. Alienware seems to get pretty poor reviews for their notebooks and customer service, so they are out. Dell and Gateway seem to only run Pentium M chips in their laptops. Even though I've seen info saying an M has the same horsepower as a 4 at nearly twice the processor speed, laptops using them don't seem to offer the top end graphics cards and drives, possibly because of the power they draw compromising the low power intention of the M.
Has anyone here bought gaming laptops from any of these companies? Has anyone used a Pentium M laptop for gaming? Any input you have, good or bad, on your experience with any of this would be appreciated. Deciding what I want is the first step. Then, I need to figure out how to come up with the finances. :blink:
Don't get a Pentium 4 for gaming. Don't get a P4 laptop.
P4's are outperformed by Pentium M and Athlon/A64 for gaming purposes (those chips 'like' executing game code.)
P4's are too hot and power hungry to be a good laptop chip. They'll bake your lap and the battery will die after an astonishingly short time.
Pentium M's have excellent power consumption and Athlon XP-M (mobile edition) are pretty good.
anyhow I just went to Dell and clicked on gaming and found a good gaming laptop immediately:
that one you can get with a geforce go7800 gfx card and a 60 GB 7200 RPM HD; seems pretty good to me.