10-14-2005, 12:34 AM
savaughn,Oct 13 2005, 08:06 PM Wrote:This looks very good. Great even, up until you get into a healing rotation. Once you're past 40, you end up behind tanks with 4000+hps and greater heal becomes easier to use as your mainstay.
Personally, I'm NOT quite as big a greater heal fan. I'd rather be able to use the smaller heals more flexibly and only drop into greater heals when things are going right and I have lots of time or when things go wrong and I know I'm going to run out of mana. ;) That said, there's a lot of criticism of greater heal and it's unjustified. Have I had people die on me while casting greater heal? Yes. Why was I casting greater heal? I was out of mana and if I only had 450 mana to throw at someone I was going to go with a greater heal to get the most out of it. Mage caught aggro? Renew. Rogue ... well ... being a rogue? Renew. Mob gets untanked and drifts back and takes a few smacks at me before getting pulled off? Renew. Life has gone to hell in a handbasket and I'm going to be getting tight on mana (and I'm healing someone with 3k+ hps)? Greater heal. No question.
I'm doing a Disc/Holy build on my latest priest (my third - just hit 40 last night). LOVE the play style. So much more "me" than the shadow priests I've played before. A shadow priest can't hold a candle to a disc or holy priest when it comes to healing instances. I proved that to myself a week and a half ago when I was the sole healer in a party that did Z'F - and my priest was lvl 36! There's NO WAY I would have pulled that off with a shadow priest!
That said.. yea, it's easier to do Z'F at 40. :P
I have to admit that your post puzzles me. I deliberately chose talents that maxmized my heals both greater and renew. I frequently will drop a renew at the beginning of fights or in the manner that you detailed and switch to greater heal on the main tank for mana efficiency.