I saw X-Men 2 today...
Though I like gambits attitude and such, I actually think adding him would add some substance. I'll present some points as I see them, which of course doesn't mean that they have any worth what so ever. : )

1: Bad guy turned good guy. Now we currently have wolverine debating a little what side is right. He is not a clear cut good guy what with the killing and such. So he could be used to show some of the "bad guys" opinion and how it compares to the "good guys" opinion. Wolverine isn't the type to be really torn by indecision though and to debate things. He is more of an instinctual kind of character. For this reason I think gambit would be a good addition. Gambit has always been a character that has straddled the line between good and bad. I think this presents him as a good character to use to really showcase the parts of the different sides that are tempting to people. You get to see the debate in his character as he chooses sides. Everyone that has been introduced has been quickly aligned to one side. The only exception to this is pyro, but I think its safe to say that it was fairly obvious where he was headed. So I think gambit will help pull out some of the thoughts that go on when debating sides and choosing where you stand.

2: Iceman/Rouge/Gambit. Current I think the iceman rogue relationship is a little shallow. There isn't much point to it being in the story. It does show some of the problems of being a mutant, but I don't think it does it in a very pleasing way. If you throw gambit into the mix you get a little more depth added to the situation. (though he would have to be made younger to fit the age group which I dunno how well would work) You end up iceman and gambit having tension between them. You get to explore younger mutants using their powers against each other just like normal younger people get into fights sometimes. Basically adding tenstion to a situation opens room for things to happen.

3: Wolverine/Gambit. Gambit being the type to not be sure of which side he is on as stated in point 1 would make wolverine trust him less. Then you add in gambit and rogue having some interaction (point 2) which would probably get wolverines attention since he is protective of rogue. Thus you have more byplay taking place to add to the depth of the characters some.

Overall I think his outlook on things is different enough from any other character involved that it would be useful thing in the movie. Now these things can probably be done without him. Point 1 can be done by fleshing out the pyro character some and his debate for which side to be on. Point 2 may not really need to be done by adding another person to disrupt things some, but rather just come up with more reason for iceman and rogue to be there and basically just write it better. Okay so I had a few issues with their seems. They didn't seem quite right to me. : ) Point 3 can be taken care of with the current cast of characters and the byplay between them.

So is he needed? Probably not. Can he used as part of the story? I think so. Being a thief and such easily can be worked into a plot so that he helps it along. Him switching sides gradually as things progress helps with presenting a different viewpoint as well.

It does seem that soon they are going to have a problem of too many characters to handle. They are going to have to find a way to work that out though. I'm sure they have given it thought already even. They probably did so before the first movie was even made. You can't really take on a move like x-men without realizing that there are alot of characters and that you will have to find a way of handling that. Yes you could just not introduce any more. When the point is that there are alot of mutants out there and that it needs to be accepted, to not introduce any new ones is to lessen that point. The introduction of new mutants shows that there are indeed many mutants out there. It helps press the point to the audience. Of course adding mutants doesn't mean you have to add x-men. You can add more to the brotherhood or any other faction as you please. My point is just that to stop introducing them at all doesn't seem the right answer to me. Also the introduction of new mutants doesn't mean that the character growth of old ones has to stop. Sure you can't focus on them all at once, but I think that most of the characters have enough of a core to them that they can be grown while still doing other things.

Anyway back to the original point and gambit. I think that he could be added and in such of way that he helps the story. I also think that he could be left out as well. Any character is only as useful as the writer chooses to make him. So while I want to see gambit in the next movie, it owld make perfect sense for him not to be there as well. : )

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I saw X-Men 2 today... - by WarLocke - 05-05-2003, 02:28 AM
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I saw X-Men 2 today... - by WarBlade - 05-31-2003, 10:45 AM

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