Avarice Alliance takes down Onyxia again...
Tal,Oct 11 2005, 12:53 PM Wrote:heh - I drew aggro twice last night healing our MT and only survived because of the fire resist I had. Seems Onyxia prefers to breathe on priests, druids and paladins when angered so plate is of little use in those situations. :)

BoS has been hashed to death. Suffice it to say that Shaman bring unique things to the Horde that Paladins cannot and vice versa. :)

On Onyxia, often when you seem to draw aggro it's really because you resisted fear while the main tank did not manage to prevent it, and since fear is a big aggro dump, it's pretty much same as you causing a lot of aggro. I just don't see how a paladin could draw aggro otherwise, with the BoS and the low-aggro heals that they have.

And no, what Shaman brings to the table doesn't even come close to what Paladins bring. Not trying to bring that dead horse up again, since it's probably at the glue factory by now, but I think it's silly to say "Who says Alliance has to realy on Fear Ward and Fear removing trinkets" when Horde does it every day.

Messages In This Thread
Avarice Alliance takes down Onyxia again... - by lemekim - 10-11-2005, 02:53 PM
Avarice Alliance takes down Onyxia again... - by savaughn - 10-11-2005, 10:51 PM

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