The adventures of Phawlmawth
It seems that it is possible to get real far, by just letting the merc that u get in act 1 kill everything in your way. I am currently in act3 and level 21, my merc is 20. The only thing, i have made differently in the game (i mean the rules 1-5) than twentythree, is that i use bone armor. Other spells, that i use, are only curses.

I must admit that i have died once (gulp :( ).
It was in act one in underground passage. My merc killed most of the enemies and i thought that the merc would keep me safe, so i left the game open and went to eat...
When i came back... :blink:
Somehow there was 4 champion afflicted (or whatever they are called in underground passage) standing on my corpse :angry: . grr... . After that i resurrected my merc and ran all the way from stony field wp to retrieve my corpse and to kill those champion monsters....

My merc nor i haven't died since that, exept my merc died once by the hand of andariel and 5 times by duriel :blush: ...

The weapon, that my merc has now, has been gambled. Gambling is a great way to get good bows...
I would have whole lot of discoveries and things i found out while playing ALMOST curse only necro (reminding again that i use bone armor(only lvl.4 by now :P ) )... But i think it might be much more fun to find them out by yourselves...
this is not my story. :P

Keep on writing twentythree!!! :lol:
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill

Messages In This Thread
The adventures of Phawlmawth - by twentythree - 09-10-2005, 07:18 PM
The adventures of Phawlmawth - by twentythree - 09-10-2005, 08:10 PM
The adventures of Phawlmawth - by twentythree - 09-20-2005, 01:30 AM
The adventures of Phawlmawth - by Sheep - 09-21-2005, 11:46 PM
The adventures of Phawlmawth - by Chaostheory - 09-28-2005, 05:00 PM

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