Lieutenant Doren, you are a marked man.
bonemage,Sep 25 2005, 03:35 PM Wrote:I also remember the first level 60 (a mage) alliance fighting nearly alone at the start.  Sir_Die_alot recounts his first death, but I had a nearly 1 vs. 1 fight with him later on.  It was a brutal fight for both of us, as I broke his first frost nova with my Grunt trinket, he then burned coldsnap to get another frost nova on me.  I got in some big hits on his squishy frame, and even cared enough to drink a pot to try and bring him down.  Sadly, the last details are fuzzy.  I know that the winner had friends show up right at the end to tip the scales of victory.  I'm pretty sure I had the help and came out on top, perhaps someone can recall saving my boney butt.

I spotted him a little after you (I think he was healing up after a rez) and charged over there to see you were already engaged. I showed up when both of you were at less than half health (I don't know what transpired up to that point). You were saying on TS "I got seperated, I'm all alone."

When I got over the ridge and saw you engaging him, I fully expected to be sheeped while he finished you off. (I had my finger on the silence button but it's hard to nail a 1.5 second cast spell, even if it isn't resisted at -11). I didn't want to waste my silence on anything else, as I was hoping (and it might have been true) that he didn't know I was there and a silence would surely reveal the presence of a priest. As far as I know he didn't try to sheep me, and I was left unmolested to heal you while you brought him down. He died and I followed you back into the fray.

That's when I noticed I'd been on mute since Grom'Gol :o , so you never heard my announcement of support.

Given that I healed you for about 2800 points of health (4 flash heals) before he died, I think it's safe to assume he would have got the better of you without my help, but he did have 9 levels on you. It was only us two involved, so the damage was all yours (I may have thrown in a sw:p but it's unlikely it landed if so).

It was shortly after that when we were obliterated by the waves of reinforcements.

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Lieutenant Doren, you are a marked man. - by vor_lord - 09-25-2005, 11:41 PM

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