09-19-2005, 01:42 AM
Chaerophon,Sep 18 2005, 05:04 PM Wrote:. . . 'the left'? . . .Did you mean 'the right'? Or am I totally misreading your post?
Quote:To state the obvious, the dogmatic reductionism of the Ann Coulter's (or the Al Franken's) of the world does no service to real political discourse.The extremists of all types are usually narrow minded idiots that add much heat and little light to any topic. However, it is the greater idiocy of the whole population which buys their books and their ideas that causes the real problem. Why should the American public, the product of fifty years of a failed school system and incapable of understanding one side of an argument (much less appreciating the fact that all arguments have two sides) have any popular representatives other than moronic demagogues?
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?