A wonderful Warrior Aggro thread on Blizz forums
chippydip,Jul 21 2005, 12:38 PM Wrote:I checked allakhazam and found this interesting tidbit, though.

This begs an interesting question that suggests a slightly holistic verifcation method

One of the major complaints of the rogue class is the fact that some battle and fury spec warriors outdamage them in PvE encounters.

Now consider this: Barring AoE spells and abilities The amount of damage you can do to a single target in a raid depends on how much threat the main tank can generate, and not on your pure damage output, which is inevitably higher than this. So in other words, Your damage output is limited by how much you are willing to push the aggro envelope without pulling it yourself.

In other words, the only advantage a rogue has over a warrior is the "feint" ability. Damage done in a well excecuted raid is limited by the threat the main tank can generate, and is completely independent (on the high end) of equipment or anything other than that passive threat modifier, which is the same for rogues and battle/fury warriors, and how well you can manage aggro.

Just something to think about


Messages In This Thread
A wonderful Warrior Aggro thread on Blizz forums - by epssus - 09-13-2005, 04:19 PM
A wonderful Warrior Aggro thread on Blizz forums - by savaughn - 11-14-2005, 05:04 PM
A wonderful Warrior Aggro thread on Blizz forums - by savaughn - 11-22-2005, 08:23 AM

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