The adventures of Phawlmawth
Phawlmawth wanders around the rogue camp unsure of himself. The location was essentially a refugee camp and he was certinaly a refugee. However, he knew he would have to earn his keep if he were to stay here. Already Gheed, the camp merchant, had traded harsh words with him.

Akara had tried to convince him to murder the creatures in a nearby cave. He had tried to explain his philosophy to the old woman, and had argued that he could not in good faith be responsible for the deaths of any other creature, but Akara had not listened. Still, there may be other ways to prove his worth to the camp besides direct bloodshed.

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The first thing I did was to map the left mouse button onto “throw” instead of on “normal attack”. This avoids any messy mistakes about moving around near monsters and antecedently clicking on them killing them. Wands, naturally, cant be thrown.

The wand I started with has +1 summon skeleton on it, and the plan for clearing the den was to get the unread that this granted to me to fight against all the other bad guys. Turning the evil creatures against one another. However, this still leaves the problem of how to kill the first monster to generate the first body.

The answer was to use Favie. This screenshot shows her heartlessly butchering an iniocent quill rat while Phawlmawth looks on in disdain. After chastising Flavie for her heartlessness, he headed straight into the den.

Why not clear the blood more first? I knew I would have to be raising several skeletons over time. And if I was unable to generate new bodies faster than I used them up raising skeletons, I would have to go back to Flavie and have her make more bodies for me. I therefore kept an ample stock of killable monsters on queue in the blood more.

Just inside the entrance I ran into a pair of gargantuan beasts who pounded hard on my lone little skelly. I had to tank to keep my minion from being crushed totally and I used up all four of my starting red pots to do so. I wasen't off to a very good start. The skeleton was able to finally take down one fo the gargantuan beasts before being crushed itself. I made the first in what would be many return trips to Flavie. With a fresh new skeleton beside me, I reentered the den and watched from the sidelines as the skeleton put down the second gargantuan beast.

The first encounter with a fallen pack was even worse. There was no way for me to direct the skeleton against the shaman first. And even me tanking next to the shaman trying to keep him distracted didn't stop him from raising the fallen as soon as the skeleton dispatched them. I was left with no other option than to use the freshly fallen bodies to summon new skeletons even before I needed a new skeleton. Using this strategy let me chew through the pack easily enough, but I hoped I wouldn't find later that I had “wasted” those bodies.

Things seeded up considerable once I was able to place my first point into amp damage. It now took only one skeleton to bring down a gargantuan beast. The rest of the den went rather well until I got to the zombie pack areound corpsfire at the end. Wow wee do those guys pack a wallop! It took two skeletons on average to bring one of those suckers down. I had to backtrack to flaviefor fresh bodies twice. The real bottleneck came when one zombie wandered over to the left between two fallen shaman. Between the two of them spitting fireballs, and the hard punch of the zombie from the boss pack, my skeleton was loosing life fast. After 4 more trips to Flavi, I had managed to dispatch both shaman and tanked the zombie as my skeleton did its dirty work.

Corpsfire himself was anticlimax. It was a simple matter of tanking him while chugging reds as the skeleton whacked at him from the side.

Back at camp, I got the skillpoint and just sat on it. I wanted to keep amp damage at just one point so that later I could target it on one specific monster with a small radius on amp damage rather than overriding more important curses with a large radius amp damage.

Out into the cold plains I began a slow methodical clockwise sweep. When I came to the cave I did a quick look inside and was greeted at the door with a cold enhanced archer pack who offed my skeleton quick and nearly got me killed also. Shesh, I knew I was inexperienced at playing hardcore but to nearly get wiped out before I even start the second quest was a bit of a jolt. I would have to learn to be more careful.

Thankfully when I went back above ground there was plenty of bodies laying around and I raised up a new skelly. The cave would have to wait. I kept on with the clear of the cold plains. The caver camp caused me less grief than what I expected. It was a simple matter of making sure I raised a new skeleton with every body that hit the ground. I was glad to be able to buy all the blue pots I needed to keep up with the rate I was ripping through mana. No way I could have been able to go against the caver pack in some of the older versions of the game where the only way to get blue pots was for them to drop.

With the camp clear, Bishiop himself was a pushover.

Den and cold plains were now clear. My next goal was to go against bloodraven. Like fallen packs, I coulden't direct the skeleton against the target I really needed to aim for. And bloodraven was able to raise new zombies faster than my one skeleton was able to dispatch of them. I would have to come up with some new form of strategy if I was going to be able to defeat her.

Messages In This Thread
The adventures of Phawlmawth - by twentythree - 09-10-2005, 07:18 PM
The adventures of Phawlmawth - by twentythree - 09-10-2005, 08:10 PM
The adventures of Phawlmawth - by twentythree - 09-20-2005, 01:30 AM
The adventures of Phawlmawth - by Sheep - 09-21-2005, 11:46 PM
The adventures of Phawlmawth - by Chaostheory - 09-28-2005, 05:00 PM

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