
[Image: yarr2_1.jpg]

That night, after a guild farming run in Molten Core (we got six cores and a Belt of Might -- not bad), Vendetta asked some of the guys who had previously expressed interest in becoming pirates if they wanted to raid Booty Bay. Sure enough, they did, so a five man pirate crew, composed of the following characters, set off on the quest to obtain that unique and most awesome Bloodsail Admiral's Hat:

Vendetta: lvl 60 Mage
Dimiotrix: lvl 60 Mage
Uubu: lvl 60 Warlock
Teriyaki: lvl 60 Priest
Neriad: lvl 60 Priest

[Image: yarr2_2.jpg]

Now this is the kind of firepower that I was talking about!

[Image: yarr2_3.jpg]

After an initial foray down to the wharf, Vendetta and I told the group that we should head up along the back of the town to avoid getting shot into the water by the gunner bruisers. We started off with some simple careful pulls. One thing that Vendetta and I noticed was that more bruisers appeared when we pulled the shopkeepers this time than when just the two of us were attacking them. I suspect that there's something in the Booty Bay defense AI that says "Release X number of bruisers if Y number of people get on the shopkeeper's hate list" or something like that.

[Image: yarr2_4.jpg]

When we came to Dizzy One-Eye, someone yelled out, "There's Dizzy One-Eye! I hated that guy's quest. Get him!" -- a comment that was followed by many murmurs of agreement.

[Image: yarr2_5.jpg]

As we moved deeper into town, we became bolder and began pulling more bruisers and shopkeepers each time.

[Image: yarr2_6.jpg]

By the time we got to the alchemist's shop near the gryphon master, my reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel had been irreparably damaged. There was no turning back now!

Messages In This Thread
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-24-2005, 12:43 AM
Yarrr! - by lfd - 08-24-2005, 04:29 PM
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-26-2005, 04:55 AM
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-26-2005, 04:57 AM
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-26-2005, 07:39 AM
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-26-2005, 07:40 AM
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-26-2005, 10:34 PM
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-27-2005, 01:48 AM
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-27-2005, 01:53 AM
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-27-2005, 02:02 AM
Yarrr! - by vor_lord - 08-27-2005, 02:09 AM
Yarrr! - by Hedon - 08-27-2005, 05:34 AM
Yarrr! - by redinter - 08-27-2005, 06:43 AM
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-27-2005, 08:16 AM
Yarrr! - by Warlock - 08-30-2005, 02:16 AM
Yarrr! - by Bob the Beholder - 08-31-2005, 02:05 AM
Yarrr! - by MongoJerry - 08-31-2005, 11:26 PM

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