Alliance: where do elves go after Darkshore?
lfd,Aug 25 2005, 04:16 PM Wrote:My little baby nelf has just had to leave Darkshore and Aubergi... er, Auberdine, on account of running out of quests that she could do and not being able to tackle the level 17 quests that remained.  There seems to be a definite gap in the quests around that area, unless there's an NPC I've missed somewhere.
I never had a gap of quests in Auberdine that I can remember. I've had issues with them going grey or green sooner than I'd like because I collect so many my experience shoots up too quickly. :) With my nightelves who plan to stay on Kalimdor as much as possible it's Darkshore and then Ashenvale/Stonetalon Mountains. Unfortunately, if you do that, you generally miss out on the lower instances unless you go and specifically target those quests to get you into the instances on the other continent.
Intolerant monkey.

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Alliance: where do elves go after Darkshore? - by Treesh - 08-25-2005, 09:35 PM

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