So um yeah
Zippyy,Aug 15 2005, 07:58 AM Wrote:I send my love.&nbsp; <3GG

I am no doctor, and I know very little about your illness and symptoms.&nbsp; However!&nbsp; I am nonetheless going to lend my wisdom!

I used to get migraines frequently; a few times a week.&nbsp; I also spend an enormous chunk of my day in front of computer screens.&nbsp; I work as a web developer/designer, so 8 hours a day I'm staring at code, and the rest of the time is spent staring at WoW, my photographs, my personal websites, and of course, the Lounge.&nbsp; I would wager that I spend, at most, one hour a day away from computers.&nbsp; Weary eyes for the win!

Anyway, the moral of my story is this.&nbsp; I bought an LCD monitor at the same time my office did, and the change was wonderful.&nbsp; I have used CRTs for fifteen years (and I am only 19, holy crap!), but the switch to LCD has seemed to make an impact on my migraines.&nbsp; They have dropped to one a month.

Could your panic attacks have anything to do with visual strain?

Doubtful on the visual strain.

I'm also a migraine sufferer though they are very sporadic, had lots of them in February, though I've finally found meds that can control them, haven't had one since May now. Average about 8-14 a year though so eh.

Might be that I haven't been taking my meds. Don't have a daily pill holder thing and I honestly forget if I have taken them or not, it's bad to take to much of the med though so if I can't remember I don't take another one. So Treesh will get me one of the pill thingies today and she will help make sure I take them.

Still can't launch WoW on my machine right now. So doesn't look like Molten Core round 2 will happen tonight for me. :(
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
So um yeah - by Kevin - 08-15-2005, 03:18 AM
So um yeah - by Zippyy - 08-15-2005, 12:58 PM
So um yeah - by Kevin - 08-15-2005, 02:39 PM
So um yeah - by TheDragoon - 08-15-2005, 02:49 PM

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