Stormrage - Saturday Raid
Tuftears,Aug 12 2005, 02:06 PM Wrote:I think it helps to create chat channels for specific classes, or sets of classes.  For instance, a 'healers' channel where you invite all priests, druids, and paladins, would let you coordinate who's healing which tank, and re-align for different battles, i.e. core hound packs.

Communication may be that some people just haven't joined the channel - doing /chatwho thehealerchannel will tell you who's in.  Then you compare that with the raid listing to see who hasn't joined, and send the delinquent rascals a tell.[right][snapback]85845[/snapback][/right]

Actually the complaint I had was that I spoke in healer, raid and paladin chat as well as on teamspeak to find out what blessings the paladins were doing so I could plan accordingly. The only person to reply to my question was a PRIEST who told me of one paladin using Blessing of Kings. This occurred at the beginning of our last Molten Core Raid as well with the paladins we had then. To the tune of the paladins getting blamed for the wipe because healers got aggro from a lack of salvation. And as I stated then, if I had known that no one was doing salvation on my groups I would have covered it before the fight had begun. And last night all paladins were in healerchat, paladinchat (buffbots - can we change that for this raid GG?), and raid chat. The only response I got from a paladin was one who got upset that I called the other paladins monkeys when I declared I was doing Blessing of Light for the odd groups. ;)

Tuftears,Aug 12 2005, 02:06 PM Wrote:Are Basiners invited?  A bunch of Basiners will be at ABCon this weekend, but a bunch more will not be, and thus may be interested in checking out the show.  If you post on the Basin SR forum, you might get some more people to help round out the raid!

I don't see why not. :)

Edit: I'm sure that I'm being viewed as being anal about the whole blessing thing but I believe in doing my job to the best of my abilities. This includes making sure that my blessings are not overwriting someone else's and their's in turn are not overwriting mine. I was almost ready to shelve Sharanna as a raider because of the lack of communication on the recent raids. As Sabra said, there is NO reason why I shouldn't be responded to on my inquiries. If I can't do my job I see no reason why I should raid...

Messages In This Thread
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Kevin - 08-12-2005, 03:38 AM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Tal - 08-12-2005, 03:41 AM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Mirajj - 08-12-2005, 03:42 AM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Kevin - 08-12-2005, 03:52 AM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Tal - 08-12-2005, 12:45 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by mjdoom - 08-12-2005, 01:50 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Sabra - 08-12-2005, 04:57 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Tuftears - 08-12-2005, 06:06 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Tal - 08-12-2005, 06:16 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Kevin - 08-12-2005, 06:24 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Darian - 08-12-2005, 07:07 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Darian - 08-12-2005, 07:09 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Tuftears - 08-12-2005, 08:09 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Tal - 08-12-2005, 08:23 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by martini - 08-12-2005, 08:55 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Darian - 08-12-2005, 10:19 PM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Tuftears - 08-13-2005, 01:09 AM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Yuen - 08-13-2005, 02:40 AM
Stormrage - Saturday Raid - by Tuftears - 08-14-2005, 05:29 AM

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