Debuff limit will be changed to 16 in patch 1.7
MongoJerry,Aug 5 2005, 10:44 AM Wrote:Patently not true.  We've had deep breaths happen early in Phase 2, and we've had deep breaths happen one right after the other four times in a row.  It is most definitely not a timed event.  Our theory that seems to work is that basically you don't want people to be in front of or under Onyxia.  Basically, it looks like the algorithm says, "If I can kill X% of the raid with Deep Breath, do it!"  If the raid stays on her flanks as she moves around the room, then she won't Deep Breath.  Get in front of her or have too many right underneath her, and you're quite literally toast.

We've never seen a deep breath occur unless the damage dropped off (usually about half the raid is dead due to whelps which hasn't occured since out second attempt). We have had people clumped in front of her, under her, and all over trying to keep the damage up. On our last 3 attempts, she has not loosed a single deep breath. If it was an issue with clumping, we should have seen DBs in the last three runs against her and we haven't (cause we have people chasing her all around the cave keeping damage up with a couple dedicated groups taking on the whelps, one on each side of the cave). And the last time she DBed on us, she had been in Phase 2 for close to 10 minutes. From everything we've seen and others have observed as well, DBs happen on a timer and not due to "clumping".
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Debuff limit will be changed to 16 in patch 1.7 - by Lissa - 08-05-2005, 06:32 PM

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