Debuff limit will be changed to 16 in patch 1.7
vor_lord,Aug 3 2005, 03:02 PM Wrote:Clicky!
This is big, this is a pretty big buff for a class that has grown accustomed to the nerf bat (warlocks), though it affects everyone. A party of five can easily overwrite debuffs on standard mobs, so this will help out.

Good news!
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight

Messages In This Thread
Debuff limit will be changed to 16 in patch 1.7 - by bonemage - 08-04-2005, 02:32 PM

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