Tournament Thinger...
Ok, being an IT guy where I work allows me some free time to goof off or do what I want (minus WoW).

After reading a series of Battletech books, I decided I wanted to make a game in the Battletech universe. What was born (er, still being born) is a strategy, almost Risk kind of game. Now, it had its own little twist here and there to make it mine, such as the way battles were carried out. So... when I have free time, I throw together a little tournament, using my battle algorithms, and carry it out. The first time through (and so far the only time), I used some of the monikers of the Lurkers to give it a more personal feel (instead of say, using "Pilot A" versus "Pilot B".

The Battletech Grand Tournament was born.

Right now, there are 16 "pilots". Each pilot is randomly assigned a mech before each tourney, and seeding is also chosen randomly (to avoid one person winning too frequently). However, this is easily expandable to encompass anyone who wants their "character" to be in it.

While there is no participation in the sense that you get to choose which mech your char pilots, you do get a hand in his/her stats (which ultimately governs the battles)

It's a bracketed tournament (currently taking 4 wins to win it all), and after 4 wins, the pilot's stats get better (Gunnery = Damage Dealt, Piloting = Evasion). Stats run from 6 to 0 for Gunnery, and from 7-0 for Piloting (lower the better). So when your char gets 4 wins, you choose which stat to improve.

While not a ton of interaction, it can be quite fun to have bragging rights because your char rocked someone elses. It really is just something nifty to pass the time. I'd like to post updates and the like in this thread from time to time (after each tourney), so long as the admins are cool with it being here.

If you'd like me to add your char to the list of pilots, send me a PM (gets kind of cluttered in forum posts with a ton of "Add me" replies). Also, if you'd like me to remove you from the list, PM me.

Here are the results of the mock tourney I did earlier today.

Round One
Garrin d. Pesmerga, Hillary d. Quark, NSD d. Arethor, Darian d. mjdoom
Sabra d. Skandranon, Gnollguy d. Tal, Mirajj d. Treesh, MongoJerry d. Bolty

Round Two
Hillary d. Garrin, NSD d. Darian
Gnollguy d. Sabra, Mirajj d. MongoJerry

Round Three
Hillary d. NSD
Mirajj d. Gnollguy

Hillary d. Mirajj

So, after all this, Hillary would get to up her stats.

::shrugs:: I find it nifty... but then again, I'm weird. Ask Quark.

Questions and Comments are welcome! :D

Messages In This Thread
Tournament Thinger... - by Pesmerga - 07-22-2005, 08:23 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by mjdoom - 07-23-2005, 12:59 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Pesmerga - 07-24-2005, 02:58 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Pesmerga - 07-26-2005, 01:55 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Treesh - 07-27-2005, 04:44 AM
Tournament Thinger... - by Treesh - 07-27-2005, 04:45 AM
Tournament Thinger... - by Kevin - 07-27-2005, 04:49 AM
Tournament Thinger... - by Mirajj - 07-27-2005, 07:15 AM
Tournament Thinger... - by Mirajj - 07-27-2005, 07:23 AM
Tournament Thinger... - by Bolty - 07-27-2005, 02:12 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Tal - 07-27-2005, 02:31 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Kevin - 07-27-2005, 02:36 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Pesmerga - 07-27-2005, 02:40 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Pesmerga - 07-27-2005, 03:39 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Mirajj - 07-27-2005, 08:57 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Pesmerga - 07-27-2005, 09:01 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Pesmerga - 07-28-2005, 05:13 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Quark - 07-28-2005, 09:50 PM
Tournament Thinger... - by Treesh - 07-29-2005, 06:58 PM

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