Damagemeters/CombatStats/Recall/etc: good or bad?
Again its pretty useful if used properly but open to abuse.

For example, the last raid I was in (15 man on UBRS) there were I think 5 mages in the party. One was top of the damage meter and about double everyone else and the other 4 of us were in spots 2-5 pretty close together.

However , checking the damage taken meter revealed the 'top' mage for what he was, he was second on damage taken behind the MT! This was because he kept spamming AoE and other high damage stuff instead of focussing on the MTs target.

Everyone kept complaining to him about over aggroing, I hope he got the message but yeah I totally agree damage meters are very dangerous in the wrong hands just like firearms.

As a mage I aim to be bottom of the damage taken rather than top of the damage done report. Mobs will drop eventually so long as every stays focussed and does their job, but if a mage over aggros and that causes your healer to use up all his mana, that is how a wipe happens.

The danger of damage meters is that they would show that mage and the priest as 'top' of their respective lists (mage for damage done and priest for healing). But really it would be better for the group if the priest just lets the mage die and concentrates on the MT.

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Damagemeters/CombatStats/Recall/etc: good or bad? - by Carl - 07-19-2005, 05:37 PM

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