Damagemeters/CombatStats/Recall/etc: good or bad?
lfd,Jul 15 2005, 09:22 PM Wrote:Absolutely, categorically not.[right][snapback]83586[/snapback][/right]
Seconded. Tracking amount of health healed is idiotic and detrimental to the overall health of the raid. It encourages overhealing and wasted mana to the point where I wonder how many wipes occur with healers all out of mana because they wanted to be #1.

If a 6000 hps warrior is at 5000 hps, you know what I do? Cast Renew. It's far more mana efficient at that point to cast a Renew and get to Flash Heals or (situation willing) Greater Heals later. That will be guaranteed to get you at the bottom of the list in healing stats when another priest slaps a 1000 hp Flash Heal on the warrior and your renew points are wasted.

Just as CombatStats encourages people to push the envelope too much, get aggro, and blow the mana of the healers to keep the DPS Monkeys alive, tracking healing done has the same horrible effect - terrible team play.

CombatStats doesn't lead to bad party play, but people who take it seriously DO. I have yet to prove that a wipe in a party I've been in was caused by a CombatStats-crazy player, because that would be hard to do, but I know that the game feel has changed somewhat since this mod's release. To someone who's not into number crunching, I bet it would drive them insane. I don't care about the numbers so that aspect doesn't bother me; it's impact on results that I care about.

Anyway, to close out, back to healing: the only way I'd ever be at the top of a healing list is if my own personal group wound up needing a ton of healing to pull it out of a fire. I treat my mana pool as sacred and preserve it as much as I can for when Things Go Wrong™ so that I can do my job best. That will never make me #1 according to pure number crunchers.

Good players in a raid will get a decent feel for who are the better healers, and hard numbers are not necessary to back that up. The Priest who shoots his load less than 1 minute into the fight by overhealing is USELESS, but will be #1 in healing done! So when his partymates die because he was out of mana, it must be the other Priests' fault, no?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

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Damagemeters/CombatStats/Recall/etc: good or bad? - by Bolty - 07-16-2005, 04:01 AM

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