Damagemeters/CombatStats/Recall/etc: good or bad?
I find them fascinating

As Quark says they're very good for exposing people who are not doing much. I don't think I'd always embarass someone in chat but I would note who it was. For dps classes it really does give one something to aim for.

It's also watching how damage changes with situation. On my Hunter I built a long lead on our Mage in a Sunken Temple run. Then we had lots of AoE encounters and he rocketed up. Then a tough boss fight allowed me to pinch the top spot. I found that very interesting to observe and it taught me something about where a mage is at his most effective

Another run was quite interesting although this is one where the statistics don't tell the whole picture. I was on my priest grouped with a lower level priest and he out-healed me and out-damaged me. However he was always empty 10 seconds into the fight. I thought quite hard about that outcome and decided I was much happier keeping mana in reserve and being outshone

One small note on Hunters, I usually top with mine. Whether that's because the people I group with aren't very good I don't know. Only Rogues consistently beat me for damage. (31/16/- build, level 56 with Broken Tooth. Cat damage is really good, it does 40% of my dps output)

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Damagemeters/CombatStats/Recall/etc: good or bad? - by Brista - 07-15-2005, 10:08 PM

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