Damagemeters/CombatStats/Recall/etc: good or bad?
I have DamageMeters installed and keep an eye on it when grouped with other people. I'm somewhat of a stat whore by heart and this kind of stuff makes me a bit giddy but is there really a need for it? The only good thing I can think of is that it gives you a goal:

- Be the highest-damaging member of the party during an instance run as a mage, without drawing aggro
- "Can I make my 28 druid outdamage my wife's 32 hunter while we do some easy quests?" (answer: no :( )

Other than that, the only good I can see is for stroking one's ego. I've heard of it causing problems during instance runs/raids where members attempt to stay ahead of the pack by doing too much damage and thus drawing aggro and endangering the party. I think Bolty mentioned in a thread somewhere that a hunter in a SM run he was in actually got upset when he found out that Bolty was doing more damage than him.

So what are your thoughts on these mods? I doubt the capability will get removed from the game, so they're probably here to stay. And I'll probably still run mine for kicks unless asked not to for some reason.

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Damagemeters/CombatStats/Recall/etc: good or bad? - by RTM - 07-15-2005, 05:36 PM

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