Bolty,Jul 6 2005, 06:50 AM Wrote:No, this is pretty much cross-server and applies to all guilds. Boltress was under the same scenario in the Lurkers guild during her 50's as a leveling Priest. Our guild had a squad of 60's already, along with a few 50's who, as far as I know, were not joined by the already 60's-squad in instances until we were level 58-59. This was despite getting requests by some of the 60's to "hurry up" and get to 60 faster so I could heal end-game instances. It kind of led to my lack of desire to run such instances when I capped, and why, even though she's retired, she's come out to do the occasional BRD run for those in their 50's but still hasn't set foot in Scholomance, LBRS, UBRS, etc. But I digress, and I don't want to hijack the thread with my whining.
I'm experiencing some of this now, Bolty. Keshi, my tank warrior, is always getting asked for help by the guildies, but, when she needs to run to Hearthglen (can't solo 56 elites well) for a quest, no help is forthcoming, no one has time. I retired her for a week, and they got the point, since she was the *only* in-guild tank above 50 at that time, not even a pally.
And, on my Alliance server (Uldum), Limited and Union are skimming the cream, especially healers, off the top of the mid-sized guilds. It's just business, and it's not your guild, it's the kind of people who jump. There's very little you can do to stop them. Those that can be bribed will jump. Simple as that.