Power gaming guild buying up the healers
Thanks for your replies everyone

My main question though is not "why does this happen?" but "how can I win?"

My thoughts at the moment are

1) I have to set aside my love of alts and get serious with my level 33 priest. I'm a pretty fast leveller, and I'm not dismayed by the prospect. It's a challenge I'll quite enjoy

2) Rather than work on a huge bribe from DUSK I've had a subtler thought. I'm going to start charging them and them only for healing. 20gp for a 50s instance run or 50gp for a 60s run should be fine. If they get shirty, I'll brag how effective I am, my Holy/Disc spec, I always bring mana pots and drinks and how if they just want any old priest and don't mind wiping they can get an (inferior) free one. It's main purpose is to aggravate them which I hope will turn into internal friction within their guild but if they want to make our guild funds grow then that's fine. Of course everyone else will get it free unless they invite someone from DUSK at which point I'll insist on being paid because "DUSK pay other healers"

3) We could try to get our 4 level 60s to work more with us. Problem with this is our highest warriors are 54 and 55 and they're ok but not great tanks. Arms Fury of course. This means that even BRD is too tough and I doubt our level 60 mages or our level 60 priest would solve this. If the tank ain't keeping aggro the rest is kind of moot. We did Sunken Temple and it felt like cake with a mid 50s group. By and large the same group that got shredded in BRD.

4) We have one 60 priest, no other 51-60 priests or druids since last night's poaching and a handful of 40s priests and druids. I'm quite keen to discourage these last ones from leaving. I think it's a good point that priests are often undervalued, our 60 guy gets loads of pressure to join guild groups where he's always the first to die. I think we need to tighten up our gameplay - it's got to be more fun healing a great group than one that is merely just better than average pubbie

5) I think publicity helps us and harms DUSK. It is kind of lame to be poaching healers like this and sensible reasonable players who might be open to persuasion might become less so if they know about this kind of lameness

Our server is a newish one. There are about 60 level 60s and only 8% of the population are priests. Many of the players are extremely raw. Most MMO veterans and people who had looked forward to WOW got the game in Europe when it released in February. This server is people who bought the game when it was two months old plus a minority of veterans from other EU and US servers. Last night when I was looking for a healer there were about a dozen priests 51-60 online and 5 51-60 druids on. We did have 2 shamans, both Enhancement, neither wanted to be our healer. So you see it is quite possible that one or two guilds could monopolise all the 50+ healing power

Well at least this isn't a "what do I do now I've almost maxxed my Hunter?" post :)

Messages In This Thread
Power gaming guild buying up the healers - by lfd - 07-06-2005, 11:02 AM
Power gaming guild buying up the healers - by Brista - 07-06-2005, 01:41 PM

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